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Feb 25, 2020

Is something no longer serving you that you’re ready to let go of?

In this episode, I explain how to shift our mindsets and focus on what it is we DO want, and why we need to trust ourselves + the season of life we are in.

This solo episode is all about searching for the why BENEATH our why, and how we can tap in to...

Feb 18, 2020

How can we share our own profound truths? 

Tricia Brouk is an award-winning international director. She works in theater, film, and television. In addition to her work in the entertainment industry, she applies her expertise to the art of public speaking. She’s the executive producer of Speakers Who dare, a TEDx...

Feb 11, 2020

Do you have access to your inner splendor? 

One of my beloved spiritual teachers and consummate inspirations, Rosemary Bredeson, BA, CMH, is an intuitive empowerment coach and medium who has worked with individuals and groups to advance their personal, business, and spiritual development for more than twenty years. 

Feb 4, 2020

Are your limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving your greatest dreams?

My good friend, former Mastermind client and business badass, Kate Crocco, MSW, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, confidence and mindset coach and writer who mentors female leaders around the globe. She has coached thousands of women through...