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Aug 16, 2022

Today’s episode is all about unbridled authenticity; about where we have edited ourselves to be accepted, and what it would look like if we all allowed ourselves to be unapologetically authentic. I also share my own tried and true ways of unlocking my “authentic self”, and be sure to stay tuned for an exciting announcement! 


In this Episode You’ll Learn:

  • [02:06] Unbridled authenticity.
  • [06:36] What it means to be you.
  • [09:05] I have an exciting invitation.
  • [12:25] Awe-inspiring transformations.


Soul Shifting Quotes: 

  • “The whole world is editing itself for each other.” [04:36]
  • “It’s going to require many of us to take a stance and make some decisions that might be unpopular or uncomfortable.” [06:49]
  • “We edit ourselves into the version of some second-rate version that is a knockoff of somebody else, instead of fully embracing and owning who we are.” [12:38]


Connect with Amber

Facebook: Amber Lilyestrom 

LinkedIn: Amber Lilyestrom



Amber’s books:    Paddle Home.

                        Master Your Money mind. 

Call to Action

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