Apr 20, 2018
Anyone can make a dream come to life; but there is a distinct difference between the people who do and the people who don’t- one commits, while the other decides to quit.
I get that it may be easier said than done, or that so many beliefs and patterns stand in the way of you committing to that great big dream of yours- so in this week’s Focus Friday I break down how to finally stop quitting on yourself, and start committing to the things you truly want.
Your dreams wouldn’t be in you if they weren’t meant for you- today, let’s talk about how you can start acting like it.
The insight that I ask you to consider that could potentially change your life [ 4:20 ]
Where I learned how to commit to my own dreams [ 7:50 ]
Where do you keep quitting? [ 9:56 ]
“How many times along the journey, and in your day, do you quit in the pursuit of the things that you say you really want?”
“If you don’t have a map, if you haven’t created a plan… then how the heck are you going to get there?”
“These dreams that I have are not a coincidence or mistake; these dreams are in me because they are for me.”
Did you hear something you loved today?!